Illuminate Your Crossroads
& Find Clarity in your Uncertainty


For soulful seekers and life explorers who find themselves at a crossroads and
undergoing life transitions.

Does this sound like you?


You feel lost, confused, and uncertain about where you currently are in life β€” you feel like you are at a crossroads. 

It feels like your life is stuck, caught between what your heart desires and what your mind thinks is practical. You’re wrapped up in a cloud of uncertainty, and it’s hard to make any real progress. You’re just looking for a bit of understanding and some guidance on where to go next. You’re searching for even a tad bit of understanding and a some sense of direction.

This could look like:


Having a general sense of what you want to achieve but lack specific goals or a plan. You jump from one idea to another without making significant progress, feeling frustrated by the lack of direction. You feel like you’re moving one step forward but two steps back.


Your expectations for your life have been turned upside down, and you’re struggling to piece together a new vision. The familiar measures of success that guided you now seem distant and unclear.


It feels like you’re wandering around without a clear direction, not sure where to turn next. The usual signs that help you measure progress seem to be gone, and you’re just trying to find a way through the confusion.


You’re in a period of profound life changeβ€”whether it's switching careers, ending a relationship, dealing with loss, relocating, or healing from trauma. 

You’ve been struggling to find your footing and have been unsure how to start making sense of these changes and feel that finding your anchor involves delving deep within yourself.

This could look like:


You’re going through a really intense emotional time, and it feels like everything is spinning out of control. It’s hard to figure out how to make sense of all these feelings and find your footing again.


You’re having a hard time sharing what you’re going through, even with those closest to you, and you’d rather work through things on your own. You feel completely worn out, defeated, and drained from trying to fight these changes.


You feel overwhelmed by everything happening both outside and inside of you. It’s as if you can’t control the external chaos, which sets off a flood of intense emotions that’s consuming you from the inside out. Managing both your outer world and inner feelings has become too much, and you’d rather just stop trying altogether.


You’re seeking a deeper connection with yourself and find that tarot offers an intriguing starting point for this journey. 

You feel you need a spiritual framework to enhance your self-reflection and are attracted to the idea of exploring tarot. You prefer a structured yet flexible approachβ€”something intimate and reflective that you can engage with privately, at your own pace, and in the comfort of your own space.

This could look like:


You have a nagging feeling that you’re meant for something more, but understanding what that is seems elusive. You believe that integrating your mind, heart, and a broader perspective might be key to uncovering your true path.


There’s a sense of disconnection and dissatisfaction in your life, and you’re looking for a way to dive deeper within. You think a structured method could help bridge the gap between your current state and a version of yourself with a more fulfilling understanding of her life.

I know you feel lost, confused, and anxious about where you currently are in your life.

And I understand that you’ve been doing your best to try and keep it together and make sense of why these things are happening to you.


You may have been journaling to work through your experiences for a while now, but you’re still looking for something that helps you truly understand where you are on your soul’s journey.

You might feel that your journaling has become routine, done on autopilot, and lacks the direction and depth that you have been craving for sometime now.

You might have tried using self-reflection prompts from freebies on Instagram, Self-development podcasts, or YouTube videos, only to find that the questions barely address the deeper issues you're facing.

Or you have been wanting to journal more honestly but feel unsure about what specific questions to ask yourself to truly explore your thoughts and emotions so you can make sense of your situation.


You’ve been turning to YouTube for comfort, regularly watching tarot pick-a-card videos like β€œWhat blessings are coming my way this month.”

You’re seeking reassurance that there must be something, anything, that you can look forward to during this uncertain time in your life.

You might be watching these videos late at night, hoping that the insights offered will give you some clues about what’s coming next, hoping it will provide some encouragement as you navigate a difficult career change, a challenging relationship, or a major move.

You’re looking for any signs or hints that might suggest a brighter future or confirm that you’re on the right path, clinging to these moments of hope to get you through the day.


You might be using productivity as a way to cope with a situation that feels out of control.

Perhaps you're throwing yourself into tasks and projects, convincing yourself that staying busy is the key to maintaining some sense of stability.

But in reality, all this constant activity might just be a way to avoid dealing with the uncertainty and anxiety that come with change.

By focusing on being productive, you're trying to create a sense of control amidst the chaos, leaving you feeling even more frustrated, burnt out, and disheartened.

But what if I tell you that the answers you seek are already hidden within β€”
and the answers are just waiting for you to let your inner journey begin.

All it takes is giving yourself the time and space to delve into your inner self. As you explore within, the confusion in your outer world will start to clear up, guiding you toward inner peace and a fresh beginning.

We often forget to truly confront ourselves. By giving yourself permission and support to face your truth honestly, you can break through the barriers you've set for yourself and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.


I’m a Leo sun, Pisces moon, and a Libra rising!

I’m an intuitive visual artist with a deep fascination with our ever-evolving relationship with self + soul.


Just like you, I was once lost, confused, and deeply overwhelmed by the growing disconnect between the persona I felt pressured to embody for others' approval and the authentic version of myself that was begging to be expressed.

I am happy to report though that my fear of being true to who I am is now one of my life’s north stars.

After dedicating my young adult years to seeking love and validation from people and things outside of myself, I reached a point where I lost my sense of self, spiraled into depression, and worst of all, unknowingly positioned myself as an open and willing prey to mental and emotional abuse.

Moving past this personal traumatic experience and seeing my grandpa fight for his life in front of me, I came to a powerful realization: life is fleeting and it’s passing by right in front of my eyes. I realized I no longer wanted to live a life that only fulfilled others' expectations of me only to maintain an obligatory β€œpeaceful environment” that I took upon myself to keep. Instead, I wanted to give my life an actual chance β€” I wanted to try to live as true to who I am while I still had the chance to experience MY life in this lifetime.


And so my mission has become clearer over time β€” I’m here to help you bridge the gap between who you currently are with who you truly want to become in this lifetime by offering a safe space to reconnect with your truth and can just come as you are.

And we’re not talking about what your *mind* wants you to become β€” we’re talking about that tug in your heart you’ve been in denial of for years, that decision you’ve been stalling to make for other people’s sake, and that secret heart’s desire that you think won’t ever amount to anything.

We’re talking about you, your limitless inner world, and your wisdom-filled deepest heart’s desires.


Soul Mirror


For soulful seekers and life explorers who find themselves at a crossroads and/or undergoing life transitions, and who are ready to unlock clarity in their uncertainty.

Soul Mirror is a tarot-guided workbook that takes you on a journey to your soul’s clarity.

Soul Mirror Features:


A 44-page editable PDF workbook:

Filled with powerful prompts to guide you through a deep exploration of your current life circumstances and help you find the breakthrough in your breakdown.

β˜… Answer at your own pace
β˜… In the comfort of your own space
β˜… Digital file (PDF)


Journey inwards with the Tarot’s
Major Arcana cards:

Evaluate your current life situation and start a transformative journey with the Major Arcana cards.

These cards reflect deep archetypal energies and universal themes that represent various aspects of the human experience. They offer a powerful way to unlock deeper understanding, self-awareness, and a sense of oneness with your true self as part of the greater whole.


Insight into the
three levels of your psyche:

By examining your life through the symbolisms of the Major Arcana, you can uncover the deeper workings of the different parts of your psyche:

Conscious, Subconscious, Superconscious

We do this so you can move forward in your life without feeling torn between what you want and what seems to hold you back.

We’re diving deep into the different parts of yourself, helping you integrate them so you can show up fully and confidently in your life.

Soul Mirror aims to take you on a inner journey so you can find clarity in your current life uncertainty.

We do this by using the Tarot’s Major Arcana Cards in examining the three levels of your psyche:

Conscious Mind:

Illuminate a deeper understanding of your current thoughts, beliefs, and life circumstances.

This clarity helps you approach your situation with greater awareness, so you can make more informed decisions and align your actions with your soul’s true intentions.

Subconscious Mind:

Uncover the deeper, often hidden workings of your inner self.

This reflective process helps you gain insights into your deeper motivations, fears, and desires that may be unknowingly driving your life from the background without you being aware of it.

Superconscious Mind:

Align with universal wisdom and connect to a higher state of consciousness.

This level of consciousness helps you tap into a deeper, more profound wisdom that goes beyond everyday worries.

By aligning with this higher perspective, you gain insight into your current life’s greater purpose and find a sense of oneness and peace with the world around you.




The Process πŸͺž

  • πŸ‘ Take three deep breaths and tune in with yourself.

    Ask yourself if this is an offering that would spark feelings of self-love and great possibility for your current being.

    Your body responses provide great insight on how you truly want to proceed.

    πŸ‘ If your body feels lighter and you get excited at the thought of receiving help in navigating your crossroads with the guidance and support of a Tarot x Deep inner work , this is your green light to add this offering to your cart.

    πŸ’‘ If your body feels heavier and you start feeling anxious and burdened, honour that inkling. Perhaps we can have your reading done another time.

  • πŸ‘ A 45-page Editable PDF Workbook

    Once you have finished purchasing the workbook, you will immediately receive an email containing your downloadable PDF file.

    *Please make sure to enter the correct email address at the check-out page.

    *Please check your spam mails, just in case!

    ⭐ What's in store for you?

    βœ… An inner journey with Cards #0 to #21 of the Major Arcana

    βœ… Deep dive into the 3 levels of your psyche: Conscious, Subconscious, Superconscious

    βœ… Integrative prompts at the end of each chapter for better learning absorption

    βœ… Self-paced!

    βœ… Answer it directly on the PDF file or answer it using your journal/notebook

Created for soulful seekers and life explorers who find themselves at a crossroads or undergoing life transitions, and who are on their unique journeys of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-expression.


A Loving Invitation to Your
Soul Exploration:

It is one of my life’s most wonderful gifts to be your guide on the journey back to your true self with Soul Mirror. This tool is designed to help you navigate your current situation, bringing you clarity in mind, heart, and spirit, and moving you toward your dream life.

Gift yourself the chance to reconnect with who you are and who you are becoming, so that you can go where your soul is being called to go.


You’re beginning to gain clarity and find a deep sense of inner peace with your current life situation.

You’re starting to really get what β€œsuccess,” β€œprogress,” and β€œmoving forward” mean for you right now. It’s like your heart and mind are finally syncing up, and you can feel that confusion and anxiety beginning to ease away.

With this fresh clarity about who you are and who you want to become, a new sense of direction is emerging deep inside you. You’re feeling more prepared and ready to take the next steps in your life with confidence.


Imagine waking up to the true purpose behind your current life situation.

You’re gaining a clearer sense of how you truly want to show up and handle your experiences, realizing that finding your direction comes from confidently embracing where you are right now.

This period in your life is transforming how you connect with your higher self. You’re starting to have those β€œaha!” moments and seeing your current situation not as a hurdle but as a guide that offers deeper insights into your desires and aspirations.

You’re beginning to understand that your circumstances aren’t just random events but crucial moments leading you toward what you truly want. By opening your heart to these experiences, you’re uncovering what you genuinely need and desire.


Imagine feeling a deep sense of comfort and reassurance about where you are being led in life.

You’re starting to notice that the universe has its own rhythm, and you’re beginning to flow with it more freely.

This new awareness helps you see the bigger picture in the events of your life, bringing you a sense of peace and a clearer understanding of whether to take action or simply surrender.

You’re feeling much more in tune with the natural cycles of your life, and it’s helping to melt away your frustrations, fears, and resistance.

Energetic Investment

From $99




September 22-30, 2024

Early Bird Bonus:

First 10 muses to purchase will receive
a free 45-minute tarot x astrology reading with Mimo!






  • ⭐ This instant access includes a Major Arcana guided 45-page editable PDF workbook to help you understand, illuminate, and integrate your inner self with your outer world.

  • ⭐ No prior knowledge of tarot is necessary for this offer! It's suitable for beginners and experienced users alike.

    The digital workbook will introduce you to and reinforce the themes and symbolism of the tarot's Major Arcana as reflected in our human lives.

    The intention is to guide you on an inward journey that will help integrate the different parts of yourself: conscious, subconscious, and superconscious selves so you can move forward with clarity, universal-alignment, and inner peace moving forward.

  • ⭐ No, this is not a workbook that tests your theoretical tarot genius.

    However, this workbook requires emotional openness and exploration as the journey will focus solely about where you feel lost/stuck/confused about your life.

    You will not be graded on the sophistication of your responses, and there is no one to reprimand you for thinking or feeling a certain way as you answer this workbook.

    All you need are:

    πŸͺž your intention,
    πŸͺž your presence,
    πŸͺž and your openness to explore your inner world.

  • ⭐ Absolutely!

    This self-paced workbook was designed to honor your emotional space and time availability.

    My recommendation is that you answer one card prompt a day - ideally finishing the workbook in 22 days time.

    In my practice, I find that consistency helps me integrate my insights into my life more effectively. BUT! We all have our unique mojos,so I trust you'll finish the workbook in your own flow.

  • ⭐ No, this workbook is not a guide for tarot reading.

    This workbook is a self-reflection and soul-exploration tool that focuses on untangling the knots within your current life experience that is causing you pain, confusion, blockage, or anxiety.

    This uses the Tarot's Major Arcana Cards as your "Hero's Journey."

  • ⭐ No. This does not include a tarot reading.

    Special Note:

    Depending on when you purchase this workbook, I might be offering a limited-time bonus that includes a tarot reading for select individuals who buy the workbook!

  • ⭐ Due to the nature of this offering there will be no refunds permitted.

For soulful seekers and life explorers who find themselves at a crossroads and/or undergoing life transitions, and who are ready to unlock clarity in their uncertainty.

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*Check your spam mails too, just in case!


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Ask Mimo on Instagram!