Sunburnt Angels: The Empress (2022)

“The Empress” from the Sunburnt Angels series is inspired by the empress card in the tarot.

The artwork came about as a breakthrough piece during the artist’s creative drought — thus, this piece represents the process of creating with surrender to the cycle of the creative flow.

This piece hopes to remind us to connect with our senses — sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound— a reminder to ground ourselves in the here and now.

To savor the sensation of breathing and being; to appreciate the slow, steady, and grounded growth. To free ourselves of our resistance — to experience pleasure and deep fulfilment by being in touch with our senses, safe in the knowing that we are whole and enough right at this moment.

We are naturally abundant beings with a naturally overflowing creativity only when we decide to take a moment and remember who we truly are.


Magpatina x The Moody Mimo 2022


NAIA: The First Drag Supreme